You may look at this and say SUMMER, but mix these hand sanitizers together and you have the perfect funky fall scent! You can get the sanitizers from Bath and Body works•aloha orchid • coconut cave• ocean sunset• black pearl• island nectar•
Bath and body works has a supple of fall scents, need help picking? (I would) Comment below! :)
Fall house scent recipe-
4 cinnamon sticks
2 table spoons of vanilla
3-5 apple slices
Put your cinnamon and apples in hot water on the stove. Put the vanilla in its own pot and warm it on the stove.
Use vibrant fall colors in your home.
Fall Water-
In your water pitcher put 2 cinnamon sticks and 4 apple slices. Leave then in the water.
Also bake yummy fall treats!! For ideas look under my Halloween or Dessert Pinterest Boards. User name- dwinnducks